VI Guide to Interpreting and Integrating Assessments Results into the IEP


Why Is Assessment Alignment Important? 


Secondary Transition Assessment is an ongoing process of gathering relevant information to plan, evaluate, or make decisions (academic assessment, transition assessment, career assessment, vocational assessment). It is important to remember that assessment information can and should be gathered from multiple people and places over a period of time. 

For assessment data to be relevant it needs to be interpreted and integrated into the education and transition plan and should be useful and understandable – especially to the youth and his/her family members.


Key things to remember when ensuring an effective assessment driven transition program: 


How Do The SPP Indicators Related to Secondary Transition Align?


Included on this page is a summary PowerPoint Presentation of the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition Process.  This process not only assists districts in meeting the requirements set by SSP Indicator 13, but perhaps most importantly, ensures better post-school outcomes for all youth actively engaged in this process. Also included on this page are additional alignment/integration examples and resources including information regarding Pennsylvania's Summary of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance and two related examples that demonstrate assessment integration.


Presentation Materials


1. May 4 Ind. 13 Wrap Up final.pdf  


2. SAIEP Need to Know 4-28-10.pdf


3. Alignment Within the IEP.doc


4. Additional Allignment Examples Present Levels to Progress Monitoring Examples.pdf


Alignment IEP Examples and Related Materials


A. Phillip_Sample_SAIEP_2-2010.pdf 


B. Caroline_Sample_SAIEP_with_Checklist 5-2-10.pdf 


C. Caroline_Phillip_Need_to_Goals_to_Progress_Monitoring.pdf 


D. Caroline Daily Weekly checklists.pdf 


E. Caroline Beh. MAGs.pdf 


Summary of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance - Information and Examples


I. Summary of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance - Overview PPT..pdf 


II. Penn Hills - SAAFP-2010.pdf

